Wednesday, February 15, 2017

How to make a paper airplane

In this activity, we will investigate three aspects of how you might use technology in your classroom. We will explore different activities that use technology in three distinct ways to support new opportunities for students to learn.

This activity will require you to use google drive:
Please download it for your phone here

Here is a copy of the presentation for future reference


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  3. Group 3
    It is fun! Though making a video to teach how to make a paper plane takes more time than showing people how to fold it. The video comes with pictures, sounds and words. Students concentrate better when media and technology is employed. They have to make use of technology and master different skills in this task. (switch between apps, take photos, record and type, use adobe spark etc.) Students learn writing the procedural text at the same time.

    1. For activity 1 ( doing the demonstration), it belongs to the substiution. It can be demonstrated by video or the teacher demonstrated it in class.
      For activity 2 ( taking the pictures and making the video),it belongs to augmentation, we can take pictures or videos ourselves and it makes the procedures of making the airplane clearer. We can also add some more steps or even different steps as modifications.
      For activity 3 ( sharing and discussion), we can see different products or tasks from different group. It belongs to redefintion.

  4. Group 7

    group 6

  6. It is fun and useful for me when I go back to my school!

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  8. Group 2 Video:

  9. Group 1
    It is fun and interesting to do this activity. Students pay more attention on how to make a paper plane by doing themselves. They can also try to make and create their own videos through cooperating with others. They can also share the videos with others. It enhances students' motivation. Students have a sense of satisfaction! If time is allowed, students can write down the steps or procedures as well.

  10. Group 4
    Activity 1 (Watching Videos)
    It's a kind of 'Augmentation'. It could easily be seen as 'Substitution' because it seems that the video substituted the teacher talking. However, students can rewatch the video and learn it in their own pace. Even though the learning outcome is the same, the process is augmented.
    Activity 2 (Rearranging paper strips)
    It can be seen as subsitution of formative assessment. The teacher could have given a worksheet and tell students to write the steps. Instead, paper strips were given to substitute the worksheet.
    Activity 3 (Making a video)
    We had a new learning goal. To integrate our speaking and writing skills. The video is made to be shared. Students can learn outside school. It cannot be done with traditional just folding the paper plane. It is a previously inconceivable new tasks.

  11. I find the app "Adobe Spark" is really useful and suitable to be introduced to my school. It is easy to use and I think P.2-3 students are able to manage it. Maybe a short video for learning vocabularies with photos and pronounications will be great.

  12. Activity 1 (watching the video): Substitution
    Instead of looking at the teacher, students watch the video. It shows students how to fold the paper plane. It has voiceover. Just as teacher doing demonstration in front of the class.

    Activity 2 (taking photos and sequencing): Modification
    This activity involves technology. This task is accomplished through the use of technology.

    Activity 3 (using Adobe Spark): Redefinition
    Students need to make use of different skills in order to do this activity. (switch between apps, take photos, record and type, use adobe spark etc.) Students learn writing the procedural text at the same time.

  13. 1st Activity: video watching-augmentation (learners can revisit the video and learn with their own pace, according to their learning progress)
    2nd : photo taking and sequencing-modification (visual clues and audio clues are involoved. Amendment can be made easily)
    3rd" making a video with Spark-redifintion(the technolgoy helps the teachers to produce tasks with various support)

  14. Group 5
    It's fun and useful. Students can make their own vidoes for presentation.

  15. It is a good opportunity to practise how to make a video. Spark is a wonderful tool for us to produce a video in an easier way. 'Practice make perfect' ! I think we have to practise more, then we can make it better and quicker. Video can arouse pupils' learning interests.
    Hopefully there will be more interesting videos in our English lessons.

  16. It's really fun for the students to make a video. It can arouse their interest in writing and speaking English. Also, they can show their parents what they did in class. Maybe some students can make their planes in different ways and try to use this apps to make other videos about different things.

    Substitution: the PowerPoint of the slides of Hotdog
    Modification: watching the video of making a plane
    Redefinition: taking video in groups to make a plane

  17. Activity 1: watching the video (augmentation)
    the video acts as a direct tool substitution with improvment since students may watch the video again along to their own learning pace.

    Activity 2: taking photos and sequencing (modification)
    taking photos and sequencing the sentence stripes act as a task redesign

    Activity 3: using adobe spark making video
    Making video allow the creation of the new task


  19. Group 5

    First we watched a video about how to make a paper plane to be familiar with the text-type. We could repeat watching the video when we could not catch up with the youtube. Each students could have thier own pace of learning. Then we sequenced the sentences and made our own video.
    It is interesting to make our own video. We could learn from working with our group members. And the video we made is nice!

  20. It's good to start with the demonstration (showing the final product of the Adobe Spark video) so students can first of all learn how to fold a plane and they can also have an idea on how the final product of Adobe Voice will be like.

    It's also important to let us try to use Adobe Spark. We can learn more effectively from real practice.

    We enjoyed it!

  21. Watch a video to learn how to make an airplane is a substitution of chalk-and-talk teaching and direct demonstration of teacher. It's more vivid to students as they can grasp the use of frequency of adverbs and imperatives.
    Participating in rearranging the the steps in the correct sequence and producing the video ourselves allow us to construct what we have learnt. I think it will be a meaningful and authentic learning experience for kids

  22. Group 7
    It's interesting, useful and fun. It's practical. It can stimulate pps to learn. It can make use of technologies, including the 4 skills in the English lessons.

  23. Group 1

    I like today's activities! They were fun and initiated active learning. I believe students can make use of the google drive to save and share materials. For teachers, the facilitates the teaching process in-class as it is always difficult for students to type the long websites and links, plus they are not able to use the QR code scanner all the time. Last but not least, the Adobe Spark allows students to create their work in a more 3D-dimentional way with audio, video and contextual elements in it. Thank you for your great teaching!

  24. Activity 1: Augmentation
    The traditional demonstration of making the paper plance has been replaced by the YouTube video. We can pause and watch it again and again.
    Activity 2: modification
    We modified and redesigned the steps.
    Activity 3: Redefinition
    We did another new task and used The SPARK to create our own video.
    Quite COOL! :)

  25. Activity 1: We watched the video of how to make a airplane.
    It's Substitution. It substitute the teacher's demonstration.
    Activity 2 and 3 : We took the photos and make the video.
    It's Modification and Redefinition.
    We took a chance to make and introduce it.

  26. Activity 1 (watch a video): augmentation
    The students can the video instead of watching teacher's demonstration. They can watch it anywhere and any time.
    Activity 2 (rearrange the sentences and take photos/videos): modification
    The students can design the task again.
    Activity 3 (use Adobe Spake to show the steps of making an airplane): redefination
    The students can do the task again in their own ways. It's great!

  27. Activity 1:
    We could watch the video individually and made our own planes according to our own pace. We could stop it and watch it again if we could not catch up.
    Activity 2:
    We recorded our group video of making a plane. We could learn by doing. It is good and fun!
    Activity 3:
    We had to use the app to make the presentation. It took quite a long time to upload the videos or photos.
    I think it is worth to make a video for teaching which can be used again and again.

  28. Using the Spark is really an interesting way to let students to learn by doing.

  29. Learning through watching videos allows pupils to learn on their own pace, which can cater for learners' diversity. It can acheive "augmentation" target in SAMR model, which pupils can watch the video again if they cannot catch up.
    Using adobe spark to make a video allows us to use tech to create our own video adding creativity and own styles. It's redefinition in SAMR model.
